
Jeff Hannapel
October 10, 2023

First, we had the U.S. Supreme Court ruling, and now there’s a new rule to define waters of the U.S. (WOTUS).  In response to the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision, Sackett v. EPA, the U.S.

Pam Lechner
October 10, 2023

Over the past five years, the College Connection column has covered what FEF students learn in the classroom and the foundry lab, what kinds of projects they design and cast, and how they interact

Stephanie Salmon
September 13, 2023

In August, the Biden administration issued its final guidance for the implementation of Build America, Buy America (BABA) Act provisions that are included in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs

Pam Lechner
September 13, 2023

A common statement from students who attend FEF’s annual College Industry Conference is the observation about “just how well everyone (in the industry) gets along and how friendly everyone is.” So,