July 2022

issue cover
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EDITORIAL: Critical Minerals Making Up for Lost Time
D. Kurkul
WASHINGTON ALERT: OSHA Issues Spring Regulatory Agenda
S. Salmon
BY THE LAW: An Employer's Top 10 List for Staying Out of Court--Part 2
T. Comden
HOYT COLUMN: Lesson #3: Build Resilience
J. Bye
COLLEGE CONNECTION: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee: Teaching the Next Generation
P. Lechner
Don't Be a Stranger: Why not invite a lawmaker to your facility this year for a tour? It could be the beginning of a great friendship, and, in time, an opportunity for positive legislative influence.
K. Phelan
Priority Issues Facing the Industry: AFS members are focusing on three major issues impacting the foundry industry in ongoing discussions with Congressional and government leaders.
Modern Casting Staff
Design of Structural Aluminum Castings: This article is an excerpt from the new book, “Aluminum Castings for Structural Applications,” published by AFS.
M. Sahoo and D. Weiss
Opportunities for Ductile Iron Castings in Lightweighting of Vehicles: To take advantage of the exceptional properties of ductile iron versus high-strength steel, aluminum, or titanium, the ductile iron casting process must evolve to allow for carbide-free 3mm wall castings and organic designs. Recent research explored ways to achieve this target.
J. Biel et al
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