Read the Issue: Click for the full digital edition of the February 2023 issue.
Into the Woods: One Company’s Journey Toward Total Connectivity:
Mercury Marine’s aluminum foundry was the proving ground for companywide connectivity that lit up operational visibility and productivity.
Reducing Sand Casting Lead Times and Production Costs with Hybrid 3D Printing:
By integrating additive manufacturing into the sand casting process, foundries and pattern shops are becoming more agile and competitive, bringing high-quality castings to market faster and at a lower price point compared to traditional methods.
A Decade of Winners:
The annual casting competition from AFS and Casting Source highlights the best metalcasting can offer; often, winners are the result of converting from another process or material. Here we look at the winners of the last 10 years.
Statistical Comparisons of Four Thermal Analysis Sample Cup Types for Chemistry…:
A study exploring the gage repeatability and reproducibility of the four cup types revealed the “round and plain” and “square and tellurium” cups performed the best.
Fighting Silos
EPA & Corps of Engineers Revise WOTUS Definition
Committee Q&A:
Kirk Rogers
Trading in the Sea for the Sand
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