August 2014

Issue Cover
Read the Issue: Click for the full digital edition of the August 2014 issue.
Employee Engagement: Alberta, Canada's Lethbridge Iron Works reinvents itself mid-expansion to ensure its future.
D. Kapel
Rethinking Repair & Relining Procedures: Through detailed evaluation and analysis of its operations, one iron casting facility resolved issues related to its coreless induction furnaces.
R. Wandel and E. Benion Sr.
Bubbling Smaller Steel Melts: Nova Precision Casting installed a porous plug in a crucible lined induction furnace to treat steel with argon gas.
S. Boyd and R. Boyd
Direct Pour Vs. Traditional Gating: A study comparing direct pouring and traditional gating for an aluminum blade showed direct pouring increases yield and improves costs and mold making.
F. Chiesa, N. Giguére, D. Levasseur and B. Duchesne
Building Better Ships: The Navy Metalworking Center collaborated with Lockheed Martin to redesign components as castings in a new type of ship.
S. Wetzel
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