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Individual Foundries; Together an Industry
U.S. Supreme Court Limits EPA Authority to Address Climate Change
Lesson #4 - Servant Leadership
What Does the Supreme Court’s Decision Overturning Roe vs. Wade Mean for Employers?
Maria Alverio Wins Inaugural Jean Bye AFS Women in Metalcasting Scholarship
Alpha Foundry Stacks Up:
With an “opportunities are endless” mindset, the small shell casting business fills a niche in the gaps between green sand, investment casting, permanent mold, and diecasting.
Safe Maintenance of Induction Furnaces…It’s All in the Details:
Inaction can be just as harmful as taking the wrong action in the complex and often stressful environment of induction furnace maintenance and repair––here’s how to get control over the most troublesome issues.
How a Foundry Can Diversify Into Lost Foam Casting at Negligible Cost:
Businesses can avoid large upfront investment in lost foam tooling and equipment by instead machining foam and using manual compaction.
Working in a Vacuum:
A New York foundry used the V-process to suck big cost and assembly hassle out of a part used in an operating room medical system.
Powerful Prototype Possibilities:
Four examples of successful prototypes using casting ingenuity demonstrate the opportunities when designer and metalcaster work together.
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